Canadians with complex financial situations require customized solutions created by professionals who are honest, helpful, and attentive.

At Cameron Rennie & Associates Private Wealth Management, our focus is entirely on you. Whether you are an incorporated business owner, a farm operator, a retired or nearly retired professional, we provide you with complete confidence in your financial future.

We take the time to truly know you by treating you like family, ensuring we create a path forward that is clear, motivational, and achievable. We truly love helping clients reach important milestones in life and working through whatever struggles that might arise.

Clients love us because we care deeply, are extremely attentive, are experienced in our field, and believe clients' financial successes are our greatest rewards.

We look forward to working with you.

- Cameron, Michelle and Jane

Meet our team

Cameron Rennie headshot
Executive Financial Consultant

With a passion for helping people develop full financial plans, Cameron became an advisor with IG Wealth Management in...

Michelle Yelland headshot
Associate Consultant

Michelle began her career at IG Wealth Management as an assistant to a Division Manager and joined Cameron Rennie’s team...

Administrative Assistant

Jane started with IG Wealth Management in 2021, working as a member of the region office operations team. Working in...

Access to experts

IG’s planning professionals have the knowledge and experience to address even the most complex situations. The team comprises over 20 CPAs, lawyers and other tax, estate and investment-focused specialists coast to coast.

The Advanced Financial Planning team is led by the following individuals:

Regional financial specialists

Our team has access to specialists located in our region who provide additional portfolio insight and planning strategies to enhance your Living Plan, creating additional peace of mind for you and your family.

Wealth Specialist,
Investors Group Securities Inc.
Regional Estate and Insurance Specialist,
I.G. Insurance Services Inc.